When you have an air conditioning system installed in your home or commercial facility, you expect it to perform reliably each time you turn it on. Of course, nothing is perfect, and problems can come up with an AC unit, just like anything else. To help you gain a better understanding of AC and what issues can pop up, let’s take a closer look at some common reasons for ac failure.
A Hazardous Leak
You need to have the proper amount of refrigerant in your unit for the air conditioner to do its job properly. Without the refrigerant at the right level, the AC will not perform to the level that you expect. According to Amana ac failure, “Low or leaking refrigerant will reduce the cooling capacity or your air conditioner.” Unfortunately, it’s possible for refrigerant to leak, which is not only harmful to your air conditioner, but also to the environment. If you suspect that this is a problem, contact TAM A/C and Heat right away for a repair.
Lacking Maintenance
Like anything else, air conditioners require ongoing maintenance to continue working properly. If you neglect this task and just allow yours to go for years on end without any attention, it’s likely that a problem will come up sooner or later. Fortunately, having ac maintenance performed on your unit is relatively quick and easy. Again, TAM A/C and Heat would be happy to help. Reach out to us right away and we will help you determine the right maintenance plan for your needs.
Electrical Issues
Air conditioners require a significant amount of electricity to work properly. Sometimes the amount of power that these units draw can cause problems, such as circuit breaker or fuse issues. Since it can be dangerous to attempt to handle any electrical problems on your own, it’s a good idea to bring in a professional to diagnose and correct any electrical matters that may be plaguing your AC’s performance.
Away from the Air Conditioner
Problems with your AC might not actually have anything to do with the air conditioner itself. Specifically, you could be dealing with a malfunctioning thermostat. If there is something wrong with the thermostat that is connected to the AC unit, a number of different issues could arise. For instance, inconsistent temperature readings could be causing the AC to kick on and off far more often than it should, which can accelerate mechanical issues and wear and tear. In a case like this, avoiding AC failure issues might be as simple as just replacing the old thermostat with a modern, properly working model.
Freezing Up
This is a relatively well-known AC problem, largely because it can be spotted even by someone with no experience in this field. If you notice that your coil has been developing frost, there might be an air flow issue that is set to cause even more damage later on. Just as with the thermostat, this is another big problem with a pretty basic solution. Even replacing the air filter in your system can go a long way toward keeping your coil free of frost.
Let Us Help!
We’d hate to see you run into a situation where you are without air conditioning during the worst of a Houston summer. Get in touch with TAM A/C and Heat today to keep your AC unit in proper working order all summer long. Thanks for visiting!