If you need to have furnace repair work performed in your home, you’ll immediately begin to think about how you’ll pay for those repairs. While the cost of furnace repair will vary from job to job, you’d obviously like to pay as little as possible. In this post, we’ll talk about whether or not you can get these repairs covered by homeowners insurance. Of course, no matter how it is paid for, the work needs to be done – so contact TAM A/C and Heat today to schedule an appointment.

The Bad News
Let’s get this out of the way right from the start – in most cases, your furnace repair is not going to be covered by a homeowners insurance policy. While there are some instances where repairs will be covered, such as if the furnace is damaged or destroyed in a fire, those are the exception rather than the rule. If you need repairs because the furnace is getting old and starting to fail, your policy will not offer any help.
With that said, it’s always worth a call to your insurance agent just to check on the details of your policy and where you stand with this matter. Even if the repair isn’t covered, you’ll get to take a closer look at your policy, so you’ll know exactly what is and isn’t covered moving forward. And, who knows, maybe you’ll be fortunate enough to have the circumstances of this repair fall under your coverage. It doesn’t hurt to ask!
Finding Honest Service
Knowing that you are likely going to need to pay for these repairs on your own, it becomes even more important to find the right partner for the job. It’s important to note, however, that you shouldn’t be looking only for the lowest possible quote. Getting a low price is great, but your excitement will quickly be diminished if the work is not performed correctly. We use high quality gas furnaces, heat exchangers, and other equipment supplied by the original manufacturer. Any contractor you hire to work on your home, whether it’s for HVAC or anything else, needs to come with experience and extensive knowledge in the industry.
What you are really looking for on this project is value, rather than just low cost. Value means you are paying a fair price for reliable, professional services. At TAM A/C and Heat, we are always focused on making sure our customers get outstanding value. That doesn’t mean the cheapest possible price, necessarily – but it means they are getting their money’s worth when they work with us for a furnace repair or any other type of project.
Let Us Serve You We understand that it is frustrating to have your furnace be out of service during the cold time of year. Don’t live in these conditions for long – reach out today to TAM A/C and Heat for assistance. Our team will be happy to assess the situation, determine what repairs are needed, and complete that work as quickly as possible. Thank you for taking the time to consider TAM A/C and Heat and we look forward to serving you!